Hi everyone,

Many WikiEducators have been contributing to the discussions and
implementation of the OERu over the past 4 years.

This is an early notification that the OERu community will be moving to a
new home in the near future.

The OER Foundation has established a new site:  *community.oeru.org
<http://community.oeru.org/>, * which will become the main community hub
for our OERu conversations.

This site is powered by the popular Discourse open source software engine.
Discourse works rather well with mobile devices and has a number of
powerful community building features.

This is a "soft" launch of the new site. However, we need help to ensure a
successful launch and migration to our new home.  We are inviting members
of the WikiEducator family who are familiar with social media and
interested in helping us to seed the new OERu community site with authentic

Pop in, have a look around. If you're familiar with these technologies,
create an account and show your appreciation for interesting contributions
by clicking on the heart to like a post. Feel free to add to the

We still have a little work to do in preparing the site for for the
official launch, but in the open source spirit of releasing early and
frequently we are inviting you to have a look around.

In the coming weeks, once we have seeded our new community garden, we will
post an open email invitation to all members of this
wikieducator@googlegroups.com list who may be interested in joining

Let us know what you think of the new technology - preferably by posting on

Look forward to seeing you in our new community site!

Wayne Mackintosh
Director OER Foundation and OERu facilitator
Skype: WGMNZ1
Twitter: Mackiwg

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