On Sunday 08 July 2018 10:39 AM, Wayne Mackintosh wrote:
Hi everyone

The OER Foundation has set up a Mastodon instance <https://mastodon.oeru.org/> which is a federated and open source social networking alternative.  (This short video <https://youtu.be/IPSbNdBmWKE> provides a good overview of what Mastodon is.)

At the OERu, we do not want any learner to be forced to use any proprietary hosted technologies in order to participate in our learning opportunities, and this is why we have set up an OERu instance <https://mastodon.oeru.org/> of the Mastodon software.

Wayne, it is a wonderful initiative.

Another important reason for using mastadon is it is one of the first popular social networking platform that supports the new open standard of W3C called ActivityPub. <https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/>

We have created a Mastadon site for Indian OER users at https://member.metaStudio.org, which will be integrated to https://NROER.gov.in


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