On 04/12/2008, Michael Bimmler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 12:34 PM, Thomas Dalton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Tagged, but not deleted? Sounds like the system is working, then.
> Except that it was, apparently, only not deleted because the original
> author noted it and put a "hangon" in there. Had the author been away
> at that time, it might have been deleted by the next admin coming
> along. Yes this is speculation and yes I cannot assume whether that
> would have happened.

Point of fact, we don't need to speculate, that's exactly what
happened to Glamour (presentation). It did actually get deleted on a
speedy while the author was away; even though there was a reasonably
good reference. It then got an AFD which it won 3:1 aka 'no

> Michael

-Ian Woollard

We live in an imperfectly imperfect world. Life in a perfectly
imperfect world would be much better.

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