On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 11:03 AM,  <wjhon...@aol.com> wrote:

> What I was referring to, is issues that come *here*, as unresolved, or
> problematic.  Viewing the history of this mailing-list we have very few  
> *real*
> *substantial* BLP issues.  So the natural conclusion is that the  vast 
> majority
> of OTRS tickets and other BLP issues get resolved in the standard  fashion.

Let me get this right: You're saying that a) a BLP issue is only
"major" when it is brought to the attention of wikien-l and that b)
because wikien-l has not had many BLP discussions lately, there must
thus not have been any major BLP issues?

If I got this wrong, I apologise and ask you to outline again what you mean.
If I got this right, then I am just at a loss of words to respond...


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