On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 11:19 PM, David Gerard <dger...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2009/2/9 Carcharoth <carcharot...@googlemail.com>:
>>> (e.g. going down the pub, there's three Wikipedians at the table
>>> talking obscure military history they've picked up in the course of
>>> just hanging around and a fourth person looking slightly boggled.)
>> The person looking slightly boggled was you, right? :-)
> A non-Wikipedian! *hrmph*

Oops! Should have picked up on that. Sorry. Were you one of the three
military historians then? I must admit that when I helped out with the
FAR for James I of England (and VI of Scotland), I did bore people for
months afterwards with potted stories about James's life. So I
recognise what you are talking about here.


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