2009/3/17 Chris Down <neuro.wikipe...@googlemail.com>:
> Not entirely sure what you mean. You would need to put a solid definition on
> 'vandalism', in any case. I guess you could use ClueBot stats, but that
> would be incredibly lacking in data.

"Number of rollback edits as a proportion of all edits made" would be
a good start - it certainly won't indicate the absolute amount of
vandalism, since only a fraction of all vandalism is dealt with this
way, but it should show up broad trends in the frequency of it.
Detectable through edit summaries, too, no need to compare the actual

(The main thing this wouldn't show up would be pagemove vandalism, or
template vandalism - the latter *has* historically been something of a
response to page protection.)

- Andrew Gray

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