Fred Bauder arranged electrons to indicate (back on 04/11/2009 07:58 AM)
> "A comment here was deleted by The Constabulary on grounds of making
> complaints about fellow Citizens. If you have a complaint about the
> behavior of another Citizen, e-mail It is
> contrary to Citizendium policy to air your complaints on the wiki. See
> also CZ:Professionalism."
> Unreal! And Larry Sanger thought he could come to Wikipedia and lodge
> complaints...

Complaining is Not Allowed, so problems cannot exist.  Kewl.

I sure won't be participating in any society where people address each
other as "Citoyen," even if they have renamed the Committee of Public

 Sean Barrett       | Free Tibet*   | * with purchase of
 home: 310-641-9625 |   another Tibet of equal
 cell: 310-739-3785 |   or greater value.

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