2009/5/6 Andrew Gray <andrew.g...@dunelm.org.uk>:
> 2009/5/6 Mark Nilrad <marknil...@yahoo.com>:

>> Why is this needed when there are already RSS/Atom feeds for every article 
>> history?
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Peloponnesian_War&feed=rss&action=history
>> That's one, for example. Did they just happen to overlook that?

> I suspect the people running the site are quite aware of and happy
> with that sort of thing, but are equally confident their target market
> won't be...

And then there's the function BUILT INTO MEDIAWIKI to email people on
every page change, which just requires us turning it on ... though
that'd probably be a server-melting exercise on en:wp for not much
encyclopedic gain.

I'm thinking that someone should be going to every
blogosphere/PR-press mention of WikiAlarm and pointing out in the
comments that RSS is free.

- d.

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