wjhon...@aol.com wrote:
> From: Fred Bauder
>> Why Wikipedia and Intellipedia (CIA's version of Wikipedia) can add Value
>> for Information User
> http://www.birdsonginfo.com/blog/2009/05/in-addition-to-analysis-we-need-people-who-can-create-an--ecosystem-of-knowledge-that-is-not-specifically-about-answering.html
>> Fred Bauder
>  From our article: "Intellipedia. It's been written up. It's the 
> Wikipedia
> on a classified network, with one very important difference: it's not
> anonymous. We want people to establish a reputation. If you're really
> good, we want people to know you're good. If you're making 
> contributions,
> we want that known. If you're an idiot, we want that known too.">>
> ---------------------
> Corollary 1: On Wikipedia you can hide that you're an idiot.
That's an oxymoron.  If it were true that one could hide one's idiocy, 
no sock-puppet would ever be caught.


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