-----Original Message-----
From: Durova <nadezhda.dur...@gmail.com>
To: English Wikipedia <wikien-l@lists.wikimedia.org>
Sent: Fri, 5 Jun 2009 3:06 pm
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] A new solution for the BLP dilemma

Negative information was sourced to talk shows in the form of copyvio
rehostings on YouTube of uncertain veracity in violation of WP:LINKVIO 
WP:RS.  The editors who wished to use those talk shows were invited to
obtain legitimate video or transcripts, and never did so.

Of course, as we all know digital information never gets manipulated in
misleading ways.




Yes I agree that certain editors wikilawyered the situation to get 
their own way because that is the only way to suppress plain evidence.  
The audio was not a Copy vio it was posted with the approval of the 
owner.  Matt never stated that it was not accurate, only that it was 
not the full program, but only a portion.

I really don't think that you want to trundle all of this history out 
here again.  I am certainly able to remember in specific detail what 
occurred and didn't as well as you think you are.  I don't think 
however this advances your cause whatsoever.

If this is the *sole* example you can come with, then you have a long 
memory for situations.  And I would point out, that the examples we are 
looking for are examples where their was actual provable damage with 
evidentiary documentation.

Not examples of people trying to manipulate the project to seek 
attention and then realizing that they made a mistake and now want to 
go back into the closet once the skeletons are shown in daylight.


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