Amory Meltzer wrote:
> These users are for more likely to be involved in perhaps the more
> Wikipedia-esque aspects (AfD, NFC, all the other Three-Letter
> Acronyms) and are probably yes, inherently more likely to be more
> comfortable online.  Compare that to 70 students who spend their
> comparable time downloading "Single Ladies," movies, and porn, and the
> results almost laid out for you.
It's somewhat presumptuous to insinuate that those 70 were so dominated 
by those who use the Internet as their way of getting laid.

> Moreover, the result was that Wikipedians scored low on "scored low on
> agreeableness and openness."  Well... those aren't exactly the traits
> Wikipedia needs or wants.  Useful, yes, but not necessary.  

Quite the contrary

> Wikipedia,
> operates on consensus, not unanimous voting.  I may still hate your
> idea, but it's going to happen if there's consensus for it,
> agreeableness or not.  It DOES seem to indicate that Wikipedians have
> at least normal conscientiousness and neuroticism, which would
> certainly lend well to working on an encyclopedia.
Some people do believe in the myth that it operates by consensus.  One 
mustn't confuse bully tactics with consensus.


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