> 2009/6/29 Nathan <nawr...@gmail.com>:
>> Wikipedia as an outlet devolves control over information "to the
>> people" -
>> that is, people outside of hierarchical organizations where control and
>> responsibility for information is assigned by some measure of merit.
>> In 99.99% of cases this works out quite well; in the others, as we can
>> see
>> just from this thread, laudable goals (saving a life in imminent
>> danger)
>> would be discarded by those who see the world in absolutes and abhor
>> compromise. It's a drawback we'll be grappling with for the entire
>> lifespan
>> of this project, I'm sure, and while we got it right in this case... In
>> at
>> least some instances, we can expect that views like those held by
>> WJohnson
>> and geni will prevail.
> I don't think it's necessarily that people abhor compromise, it's that
> we have no way to privately discuss these things and nobody that can
> really impose a decision without discussion.

Actually, we do, the arbcom list, and possibly the functionaries list. A
few decisions have been imposed without discussion, at least not a
general discussion. This is even more so is Jimbo takes the lead.


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