Not sure I'm exactly following that.
Are you suggesting creating methods with inputs and outputs out of underlying 
templates and then allowing those methods to be called directly, so essentially 
building a higher-level language out of these templates as the tools ?

You'd have to build templates up from raw code, without library tools,
accomplish what we do with the templates tools now.




-----Original Message-----
From: George Herbert <>
To: English Wikipedia <>
Sent: Mon, Jul 6, 2009 4:28 pm
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] MediaWiki is getting a new programming language

On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 4:14 PM, <> wrote:
> ?Of course you've hit the nail right on the head.
> I don't think we want to create a brand-new additional language that people 
have to learn just to code
> for Wikipedia.? What we'd want to do, is use an existing language, so that 
some people can jump right
> in with both feet and others, who want to, can pick up an instruction manual 
and start stabbing about.
>> If you'd like to propose a BASIC syntax for the tools we need, that
>> might make the argument more cogent and viable. ?Of necessity you need
>> to base that on a BASIC which is freeware and portable.

Um.  Raw BASIC is not well structured to do the specific text
processing we're looking for.

You'd have to build templates up from raw code, without library tools,
accomplish what we do with the templates tools now.

-george william herbert

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