Was that English? :D

On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 9:27 PM, FastLizard4 <fastliza...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> It should be noted that you can, like every other freenode user that
> wants to keep logs, establish a connection and keep your very own.  For
> example, I have a ClueNet shell account, which is very convenient for
> this purpose, to which irssi stores all of my logs in ~fastlizard4/logs.
>  If I ever want to search the logs, all I have to do is open up nano and
> use the search function, or simply `cat ~/logs/channel.log|grep 'Search
> string'`.  You simply cannot release these logs to the public (under
> current policy).  In irssi, to start logging, all you have to do is
> '/log open -autoopen -targets #channel ~/channel.log' and that channel
> will be logged.  Similar commands exist in every IRC client that I know.
>  It may not be totally "open" as you desire, but anyone can do it and
> have there own set of logs.
> - --
> - --FastLizard4 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:FastLizard4 |
> http://scalar.cluenet.org/~fastlizard4/)
> wjhon...@aol.com wrote:
> > A few years ago, I had asked that IRC have a searchable archive of
> > discussions.  I was told that there were daily logs and I could get one
> if  I
> > asked.  I asked, and was denied.  Until IRC commits itself to  openness,
> it
> > should have little to no impact on any facet of our project.   Without
> searchable
> > archives, IRC is not open in the modern sense, regardless of  who or how
> > you can join it, or view it.  The archives of this mailing list  are
> > searchable.
> >
> > Will Johnson
> >
> >
> >
> > In a message dated 7/30/2009 8:21:43 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
> > s...@silentflame.com writes:
> >
> > Greetings,
> >
> > The IRC Group Contacts decided last year to hold  a surgery every three
> > months where general IRC matters could be brought up  for discussion in
> > an environment in which IRC people able to put those into  action
> > (which includes all the contacts themselves) were present  and
> > involved. Regrettably it took just over a year for the second  meeting
> > to be organised, but this pattern will not be  repeated!
> >
> > Therefore we invite you to  visit
> > <http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/IRC/Group_Contacts/Meetings/August_2009>
> > and  sign up for the meeting if you are someone interested in how IRC
> > runs and  especially if you are responsible for one or more channels.
> > That page will  shortly contain procedural information on how we intend
> > to structure the  meeting to get the most out of it. For convenience, I
> > shall note that the  meeting is at 1900Z on 3rd August 2009 in
> > #wikimedia-irc-meetings on  freenode.
> >
> > Yours,
> >
> > Sean Whitton (seanw on IRC)
> > For the IRC  Group Contacts
> >
> > I have posted this message to the main public mailing  lists to which I
> > subscribe and would appreciate circulation of the  meeting's existence
> > to as many other languages/projects as possible as this  is open to all
> > - but please note that the meeting will be held in  English.
> >
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