On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 7:44 PM, Ray Saintonge<sainto...@telus.net> wrote:

> I don't think that Murdoch's proposal is viable in the long run.  Who
> will be wanting to pay for so much ephemeral material.  What would it
> say of readers who bind themselves to one site because that is all they
> can afford only one subscription?

Although, bearing in mind this is News International, Murdoch owns
enough papers that 'one' subscription may allow access to many sites,
if he so chose.

Latest news I've heard is that Murdoch might test this out, to begin
with, on the UK's Sunday Times.

Savvy media types have made the point that the payment system will
have to be real slick to succeed. It will have to be a one click
payment after registration. Sounds feasible to me. I think I'd be OK
lobbing in 10p (16c) for certain things. Another commentator said it
was weird of Murdoch to announce his strategic intentions ahead of
actually doing them. They have suggested this is because he wouldn't
want to go alone on this, so is trying to get the debate going and
hopes that other news organisations follow.

It's an issue. The UK's oldest Sunday newspaper, The Observer, has
been described as on the verge of collapse these last few days.

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