David Gerard wrote:
> http://www.lewrockwell.com/north/north747.html
> Blog post by a Mises fan. He calls Wikipedia "wiki" all the way
> through and thought Wikipedia supplied Google's translation service.
> But it's an interesting essay suggesting that just having information
> available does a lot to fight evil.
It's certainly interesting. I never knew you couldn't do historical 
research without a rental car, for example. Or that "decade" meant 
"period of a dozen years or so" (Google did exist 10 years ago, to be 
dully pedantic). It is certainly on the money in suggesting Google's 
book-scanning project might change a great deal. But not, I think, on 
how. (Large accessible collections of information tend to give an edge 
to those who already know what to do with them.)

"The cost of writing history will fall." As Hexter wrote, bad history is 
not hard to write, anyway.

"The gatekeepers can no longer control the flow of information." Hah, 
but WP admins can. Hahahar. We be the maysters now.


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