On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 4:09 PM, Emily Monroe<bluecalioc...@me.com> wrote:
>> The reason for this is, when Flagged Revisions got into the press
>> last week, a number of sources reported that Wikipedia would be
>> recruiting 20,000 "unpaid expert editors" as staff to check the
>> articles....
> Holy cow. Is Jimbo aware of this?

Don't you mean "is the Wikimedia Foundation aware of this?"


PS. I pointed out in an earlier thread that this mis-reporting would
lead to people thinking new editors are being sought especially for
this. It's point 4 in my e-mail of 26 August in the thread titled "A
sudden thought on the media coverage of flagged revisions". Could
someone post to the foundation-l list and get some co-ordination going
if are going to see a large influx of new editors to the WMF's largest
project asking "how can we help?"

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