On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 6:13 PM, Erik Moeller <e...@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> - it allows us to create blamemaps for history pages, so that you can
> quickly see who added a specific piece of text. This is very
> interesting for anyone who's ever tried to navigate a long version
> history to find out who added something.

Yes. Incredibly useful. What I'd like would be when colors are shown, if you
hover over some text it pops up a hover of the user who wrote it and when it
was written (the revision). This would be a bit like the way Google
Translate pops up the source text. I'd position the popup far left or far
right of the window though so it doesn't obscure the text and annoy one so
much (or have positioning be an option).

> - it potentially allows us to come up with an algorithmic "best recent
> revision" guess. This is very useful for offline exports.

Makes sense. Also good for anti-vandalism work.

> The trust coloring is clearly the most controversial part of the
> technology. However, it's also integral to it, and we think it could
> be valuable. If we do integrate it, it would likely be initially as a
> user preference. (And of course no view of the article would have it
> toggled on by default.) There may also be additional community
> consultation required.

A show/hide button on the screen, with "default status" in preferences,
please. And maybe an interface issue to consider, having a narrow top bar
that doesn't scroll, where status, flagged revision etc info can be put that
will always be visible no matter where you are in the article.

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