stevertigo <> wrote:
>>> "Show the door to trolls, vandals, and wiki-anarchists, who, if
>>> permitted, would waste your time and create a poisonous atmosphere
>>> here." - Larry Sanger
Steve Bennett <> wrote:
>> Out of curiosity, on which side of the door do you see yourself, Steve?
The Cunctator <> wrote:
> Ah, the good old days.

In case anyone doesn't get the injoke, Cuncator wrote at [[User:The
Cuncator/How to destroy Wikipedia]]:  "I'm sick and tired of being
attacked by Larry, both verbally and by the deletion and erasure of my
work. I'll probably leave Wikipedia soon." That was from seven years
ago, and ThÉ™ Cuncator is still here. So with certain notable and
ironic exceptions, I think things worked out nicely for Wikipedia.


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