On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 18:28, David Gerard <dger...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The problem for Commons is also reusability - Wikimedia could get away
> with just about anything, but reusers may not.
What kind of reusers do we have in mind? The reason I ask is that the
image policies are crippling, or the way they're being applied is.
I've lost count of the number of times Holocaust images are proposed
for deletion because, we're told, there's a free equivalent somewhere.
Prisoners risked their lives in concentration camps to smuggle out
images to prove to the world what was happening, images that are PD in
their country of origin, yet we're not supposed to use them (in the
opinion of some Wikipedians) because they're not PD in the U.S. and
there might be a free equivalent somewhere. If this is happening to
make things easier for reusers, it would be good to know who they are
and what this kind of policy application protects them from, because
all it does is cause problems for us.

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