On 17 April 2010 13:52, Eugene van der Pijll <eug...@vanderpijll.nl> wrote:
> David Gerard schreef:

>> Clay Shirky was right: CZ collapsed under the weight of its own bureaucracy:
>> http://many.corante.com/archives/2006/09/18/larry_sanger_citizendium_and_the_problem_of_expertise.php

> Clay Shirky was wrong. He focussed on one part of the CZ hierarchy: the
> experts, and the amount of overhead that trying to recognize expertise would
> cause. But there was no overhead, because experts never came to CZ.

He was right, I think, in noting that the bureaucracy was the problem.
The expert procedure was symptomatic of the dysfunctional attitude.

Surely Wikipedia should have taught us that you can't cure bureacracy
with more bureacracy.

>> Wikipedia, and its community and bureaucracy, sucks in oh so many
>> ways. But it does in fact work and produce something people find
>> useful.

> Let's not forget that CZ also has produced content. And the single best
> decision Larry made was to put a CC license on that content, so that
> that content is still useful. As long as there are people writing for
> CZ, WP (and therefore humankind :-) profits.

This is, of course, true.

The CZ community needs to say "OK, we failed. What now?"

- d.

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