On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 12:38 AM, Gregory Maxwell <gmaxw...@gmail.com> wrote:


> The message currently delivered by the software is:
> "Edits must be reviewed before being published on this page. "
> And yet the edit will be instantly available to every person on earth
> (well, at least all of the people who can currently access Wikipedia)
> the moment it is saved.   The interface text is misleading. It is not
> a good example of transparency at all.
> If I knew how to fix it, I'd suggest alternative text.  Sadly, I
> don't— I think that any message which conveys all of the most
> important information will be too long and complicated for most people
> to read.


Why not, instead of *explaining* that their edit is still available,
demonstrate it by providing a link that they can click that shows that
anyone can still see their edit? This would fall between the "show
them their edit is still live" and the "show them the default view"
options. Of course, if they then try to make a second edit (not
uncommon), I can't remember what message they would get as an
anonymous user, but from the sound of it much of this has been


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