On 06/07/2010 09:41 PM, John Du Hart wrote:
> "A formal yes"? Wasn't there a big poll and discussion on this alrready?
> Plus if you were following wikitech-l you would know that they aren't
> exactly "ready"

Hi, John.

I am indeed aware of the big poll and much of the discussion. My 
question wasn't, "do people still want it?" It was, "Are people ready to 
go in a week?" As I said, I think the answer's yes, but I wanted to 
offer people one last chance to raise any issues.

It turns out that I do follow wikitech-l. I and the rest of the team 
believe we are technically ready. If you have cause to believe 
otherwise, wikitech-l would be a good place to lay out your concerns.



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