On 8 June 2010 20:24, Gregory Maxwell <gmaxw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> As far as I can tell the living people part isn't accurate.

O rly? New one on me. OK ...

> "Some of our pages are locked from *anyone* editing them. With this,
>  we can open those up so anyone can edit the draft version, which then
>  goes live. Should be on the order of minutes, if it's over an hour
>  it's too slow. The trial's starting with a limited number of pages
>  and it is activated with the same process as the one currently used
>  for locking"
> Is probably better.

Thank you :-)

Last sentence: "We'll trial it by putting a small number of pages in
'pending changes' instead of locking them."

That's still grammatically awkward (= bad) and the obvious question
is, which pages?

- d.

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