On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 4:00 PM, Nathan <nawr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The FBI Seal / Badge issue is a pretty good example of why we actually
> need Mike's opinion to limit the risk posed by the overly cautious or the
> overly incautious.

Possibly. In this case it might be simpler. The first question to ask
when assessing any image is whether it is genuine. In this case, I
really would like to see an *official* FBI site that confirms this is
what an FBI badge looks like. I'm not sure if any official sites do
actually have such images, so that might be a problem considering the
numbers of replicas around.


Maybe "badgepolicecom" on youtube is a reliable source?



They are "official and licensed reseller partner of
bellingham&carrington police badges" apparently, so their images would
be genuine. But I doubt they would release their images under a free
license. You would have to find someone who could confirm that they
had access to an official badge (or historical badge) and were willing
to release their photograph under a free license (the badge itself is
PD, but as a 3D object photographs of it are not PD so the
photographer still needs to release his work under a free license).

Oh wait, I found a page here:


That would be a better source for images, but the images don't seem to be there.

I tried searching the FBI site for "badge", and found stuff about
people being arrested and tried for selling badges:


There should be an official page somewhere with an image for people
wanting to know what an FBI badge looks like so they can identify
people using fraudulent badges, but I can't find such a page.

Please note this is about images of the *badges* not images of the
*seal* (equivalent to a logo). The 3D versus 2D stuff makes a
difference here (in the US at least), so you need explicit permission
from the *photographer* to use the image.


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