On 16/10/2010 15:23, Marc Riddell wrote:
>> On 15/10/2010 22:36, MuZemike wrote:
>> <snip>
>>> That comes to my question regarding whether or not we are here to build
>>> an online community or an online encyclopedia. Should we focus outwards
>>> toward the reading/viewing audience, or should we focus inwards
>> towards the editors?
> on 10/16/10 9:01 AM, Charles Matthews at charles.r.matth...@ntlworld.com
> wrote:
>> It was settled early on that we are writing an encyclopedia. Before I
>> started editing. What has happened since then? Well, we have had some
>> divas on the site who have thought that we should focus on things that
>> are basically all about them rather than the encyclopedia. And this has
>> been a strategy partially successful in its own terms. But fundamentally
>> I don't think such people have won the argument, however much harder
>> they may have made it to see the "community" as primarily a working
>> environment. That's what it remains, a highly interactive place in which
>> to do voluntary work on an encyclopedia.
> No, Charles, an environment alone does not build an encyclopedia; or, for
> that matter, any other group project. There are two elements involved: the
> effort required to work on the substance and goals of the project, and an
> equal effort to build and maintain the group, yes, the "community" of
> persons collaborating to achieve the goals of the project.
Think what you like. The actual membership of the "group" has changed 
much more than the pages on which matters are discussed, as places to 
exchange views and information. You also are misreading what I said. 
Where do I imply "alone"?


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