On 17 January 2011 04:03, Anthony <wikim...@inbox.org> wrote:
> Then, in 2010,
> he posts to Talk:Jimmy Wales that "I was born on the 7th of August,
> according to my mother. My legal paperwork all says 8th of August, due
> to an error on my birth certificate."
> (http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?User_talk:Jimbo_Wales&diff=prev&oldid=399961785)
> The point being that trusting Jimmy Wales when it comes to seemingly
> trivial matters is not a good idea, because Jimmy Wales lies about
> seemingly trivial matters.  And putting unsubstantiated statements
> made by Jimmy Wales into a Wikipedia article, without properly
> attributing them to him, is also a mistake, for the same reason.

Jimmy taking his birthdate as that which his mother tells him rather
than that which is on his birth certificate doesn't sound like a lie
to me. A lie is saying something that you know to be untrue, this is
simply a disagreement regarding what is true.

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