> On Fri, 4 Feb 2011 13:25:17 +0000 (GMT), wikien-l-Andreas Kolbe
> wrote:
>> and she admits she thought it was a weird religion - - until she
>> met Cruise. "I'm not saying that I'm not a Scientologist because I
>> think something's wrong with Scientology -- I want to be really
>> clear about that," Jada says. But, she adds, "In knowing Tom, I
>> realize it is a religion just like other religions.
> And a religion always stops being weird when you have a good friend
> who's in it.
> Personally, I find all religions to be superstitious nonsense,
> regardless of whether any friends or family of mine are in them.

Yes. And, with the "organized" ones, a brilliant, insidious - and very
effective - form of social engineering.

It's misguided to pursue ideological purity of any kind ‹ religious or
otherwise. Real sanity lies in embracing what we find useful in all kinds of
approaches, without having to swear unwavering allegiance to any of them.


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