Dear all,

I'm a Master student and currently busy with my thesis concerning Wikipedia. 
This survey is part of a Master Thesis research project which
investigates the effects of the increasing participation at reliability of 
Wikipedia. The survey is designed to collect information that will
help me to identify the contributors to Wikipedia.

I would like to invite you to answer my online survey, which is available at:

To be eligible for this investigation you should be an user of Wikipedia 
who has contributed to the website by creating or editing an article.
The questionnaire will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. To 
allow for reliable results, I hope that as many contributors as possible 
the questionnaire. You would especially help me if you could link to the 
questionnaire or forward this e-mail to people who don't regularly read 
this list.

Your support would be greatly appreciated!

With regards,

Jeroen Kleijn

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