On Jan 17, 2012 6:31 AM, "Andrew Gray" <andrew.g...@dunelm.org.uk> wrote:
> The second RFC was advertised with a central notice active over the
> past three days for all readers:

Well that explains why I didn't see it. It was posted during Shabbos when I
don't use any electronics. Then on Sunday I worked from 7am - 10pm and
evidently never had to consult the encyclopedia for anything. I finally
noticed the new notice on Monday night.

The only mass media I consume regularly is local radio (WCBS & WQXR
mostly). I did, however, check my email frequenly during the period with
the exception of during Shabbos.

I don't subscribe to Foundation-L, I never figured I would be interested in
most of the discussions there.

I don't want to slog through the whole discussion, but did anyone at least
suggest "rolling" blackouts to minimize the damage? Something like the
site's "off" for the first half of each hour, then "on" for the latter
half? Wouldn't that make a sufficient statement? It's not like en.wiki's
facing an immediate existential threat like it.wiki did. This action really
seems like overkill to me- swatting flies with hand grenades...

Sent from my Droid2
Elias Friedman A.S., CCEMT-P
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