On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 6:57 PM, Carcharoth <carcharot...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On 6/25/12, Martijn Hoekstra <martijnhoeks...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> What's wrong with "Hi, thanks for your stuff. It didn't belong here,
>> so we put it there for you" rather than "Hi, you put stuff here that
>> didn't belong here. Bad user. Find an admin that will email your stuff
>> for you through a murky procedure, so you can put it there yourself"?
> I should have been clearer that if people want to spend their time
> doing that, fine. But there are other things on Wikipedia that need
> doing more urgently. Trans-wikiiing or moving stuff around is
> laudable, but is a sideshow to the core aim of producing and improving
> the quality of the online encyclopedia (as opposed to the online
> travel guide or hotel guide or whatever). The problem is that this
> sort of exhortation tends to fail when a volunteer workforce is
> involved. And I am aware that it is possible for different online
> freely licensed sites to work together in synergy, exchanging material
> as needed, but it still feels like a distraction from the core
> activities.
> Carcharoth

Maybe I'm misreading the thread, but I think that Mike was proposing
to use the wiki for deleted articles he set up to use this information
to move it over to OSM. I was slightly amazed that this seemed to be
received as a bad idea in Carcharoths post. I am not suggesting that
any administrator or editor *should* do this, but it should be
applauded, ot at least shouldn't be discouraged if an editor does do

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