Great news Sarah! Good work with Ryan, Pharos and Benoit!
It is also great to see that you will work in Spanish... *si necesitan
traducción, pídanmelo y yo los apoyo en lo que pueda* (If you need
translation, just ask and I'll help you in everything I can).

Good luck, guys!

[image: Wikimedia Chile]Osmar Valdebenito Gaete

Presidente de Wikimedia Chile
[image: Twitter] <http://wikimedia_cl/>

2012/2/13 Sarah Stierch <>

>  Hi everyone,
> We just wrapped up an amazing GLAMcamp DC. Not only was the weekend
> productive and inspiring, but we were able to solidify some solid plans for
> this year's WLM. Here is a brief yet disorganized summary:
>    - Kaldari gave a brief explanation to the group about how the tech
>    side works. This was to give us a better idea of what it would entail to
>    have the United States participate, and how he can help. (Thanks Kaldari
>    for volunteering!)
>    - Kippelboy gave a great explanation of how WLM worked
>    (Catalonia/Spain?) in his area and it was really really valuable. He also
>    was great at calming us all down - especially me!
>     - On that note, Benoit, myself, and a few other folks decided to be
>    BOLD! First, I'm working on the Commons page for the WLM US page, more to
>    come with that, I've been traveling and really really busy. That will
>    reflect these updates in an organized way.
>     - We have decided once we can gain access to the website (Aude
>    purchased) we are going to translate, copy and paste a WLM site that is
>    similar to others. Benoit is helping me with this, as I am not a tech
>    genius but I want to get it done since we are a bit behind schedule.
>     - We are going to translate WLM US into Spanish, hoping to get more
>    Spanish speaking communities involved. (Spanish speaking communities are
>    the fastest growing in the US)
>    - We have decided to focus specifically on ONLY the National Register
>    of Historic Places. Not only is this easier for us to digest the data
>    (since most of the data for state specific content isn't easily organized
>    on Wikipedia at this point), but it's also less overwhelming for first time
>    participants. Next year we can expand. Besides, over 1 million properties
>    are on NHRP - I think we'll be just fine :)
>    - Templates will be modified so that each state can have it's own -
>    it'll just show the flag and name of that state. I'm not sure how all that
>    works, but, Jarek, Kaldari and Benoit are going to be on top of it.
>     - We will of course reach out to NHRP for a partnership opportunity
>    and we need to get a game plan together for other sponsors. Right now we
>    just need to get a web presence.
>    - We haven't quite solidified a judging process for the US winner,
>    however, we did agree that the public will vote on the winner(s). I'm
>    thinking it'll run something like the Commons Picture of the Day contest
>    with some assistance from volunteers to weed out just plain bad images
>    (blurry, rainy, ideally not helpful for WM projects). Not more details on
>    that at this time.
>    - We figure that since the US is so large, Wikimedians can organize
>    their own Wiki takes and road trip events, mixed with encouraging national
>    participation. All 50 states and US territories will be involved in the
>    NHRP data.
>     - Flickr will be used, we might have some special groups organized,
>    contests, we're not sure yet. I'm a big Flickr person, so, I've offered to
>    lend a big hand with this.
> Other details are rather unimportant right now, but we've got the ball
> rolling. Short term goal right now:
>    - Get a web presence.
> I am seeking help, because I am not savvy with graphic design, to modify
> the WLM logo to feature "United States" someplace in the logo. Please let
> me know if you can help (or be bold and do it ;-) ).
> This week I have other priorities, but I hope when I'm back in DC I can
> get the website content started. Benoit and I will be speaking with each
> other. I also know we want to have a meeting at Wikimania about this.
> Perhaps after we get the web presence part started, a Skype can be arranged
> or an IRC talk for those interested in volunteering for the US/Canada
> events. We also are going to have cross-border events too :)
> I hope the US people don't mind me being bold about this, I just want to
> get the ball rolling, and I know that myself, Kaldari, Benoit and Pharos
> have agreed that "let's do this and get it started now," is the best
> policy. Time is ticking!
> -Sarah
> --
> *Sarah Stierch*
> *Wikimedia Foundation Community Fellow*
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