Just my few minutes experience with the WLM Android App, i realized its much awesome. A little more tweaks and I'm sure the app will be ready to go this september. I'm running the app from my PC using an Android Emulator, and its just working perfect.

I have recognized no ERRORS at the moment, just that, the loading gif image appears static, creating the impression that the app isn't working or isn't responding during a process.

I'm from Ghana, and we believe this app will encourage much uploads this september during the WLM as many Ghanaians love using their androids for sharing photos.

Greetings WLM Developers,
Y?da mo ase! (Akan Language) - We thank you!

Happy WLM 2012 8-)

On 8/18/2012 1:45 AM, Philip Chang wrote:
Greetings WLM testers,

Below you'll find a new beta of our android app that's very close to being feature complete.

As before, make sure to have "Unknown sources" in Settings => Applications turned on.

Uploads will go to test wiki so feel free to upload whatever you like.



Please try the following:
* Browse by campaign and drill down to the desired region's monuments
* Sort the list by name and address
* Search with a search term
* Open a monument, click on "Get directions"
* Click on add a photo
* Login or create a Commons account
* Choose from gallery or take a photo
* Choose "Save for Later" on the Confirm Upload screen
* Go back to the opening screen
* Click on "Use my current location"
* Move around the map, open a cluster (a group of monuments close together)
* Click on a pin, open the monument
* Add a photo (login should be retained)
* Choose "Save for Later" on the Confirm Upload screen
* Click OK and choose or take another photo
* Go to Uploads and see the uploads saved for later

Let us know what you think!

Known issues:

* Browse by country shows coded region names in some places
* Incomplete/Completed Uploads tab is buggy
* Upload of incomplete uploads not yet functional
* Some back behavior is inconsistent
* Sort by distance appears when browsing by country
* List view should have a "more" link when lists exceed 100 monuments

Please forward this email as appropriate.

Phil Inje Chang
Product Manager, Mobile
Wikimedia Foundation
415-812-0854 <tel:415-812-0854> m
415-882-7982 x 6810 <tel:415-882-7982%20x%206810>

Phil Inje Chang
Product Manager, Mobile
Wikimedia Foundation
415-812-0854 m
415-882-7982 x 6810

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Nkansah Rexford N.
+233 266 811 165
3D Ghana <http://3dghana.webs.com/>
About Me <http://nkansahrexford.webs.com/>
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