
If someone could create a system for collecting votes I could add a like
button to this page [1] that when clicked increments the votes. I think
this would give you what you want..?


[1] http://jonrobson.me.uk/wlm/#Czech%20Republic

On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 10:25 AM, <akt...@centrum.cz> wrote:

> Dear organizers of the Wiki Loves Monuments Contest.
> In past days we've been surprised by the number of paticipants in Wiki
> Loves Monuments Czech Republic. We participate for the first time; about
> 200 contestants uploaded cca 5200 pictures up to date (we expect total sum
> of 11400 in October). However, we are looking for a way how to find out
> which pictures will be in the final category - without any
> over/underexposed ones, those without ecyclopedic value or those who are
> blurred or simply somehow bad.
> We've been thinking about a page that will display a limited number of
> pictures from Wiki Loves Monuments, randomized of course. There will be a
> voting element similar to "Like button" linked to each picture. First
> several hundred or a thousand of pictures chosen (with most "likes") will
> be then presented to the official committe.
> I would like to know what is your idea of chosing "good" or "valuable"
> pictures out of several thousand, especailly in a situation when there are
> only 3 people in the organizing team of WLM (CZ). After a long discussion
> we've come to this one. However, it requires a tool (the page with the
> voting element) and some time (to wait some time when the results will have
> some reasonable value, i.e. there wouldn't be 1 or 2 votes for a picture,
> but let's say 10, 15 or 30. I would like to know if is such a tool (or a
> similar one) available in the Wikimedia universe.
> Thank you.
> Jan Loužek - Aktron
> Wikimedia Czech Republic
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