The text link is now default on the Indian lists - they're not using the
WLM image at all. Otherwise I would prefer to know people want it for their
lists before changing, unless people think we should do a wholesale switch?


On 31 August 2013 21:00, Romaine Wiki <> wrote:

> Nice work!
> Perhaps this upload link can be added to other lists for other countries
> on the English Wikipedia as well, or replacing the icons that might be used
> there?
> Romaine
> --------------------------------------------
> On Sat, 8/31/13, Andrew Gray <> wrote:
>  Subject: Re: [Wiki Loves Monuments] Adding upload icon to the UK lists
> this evening
>  To: "Michael Maggs" <>
>  Cc: "WLM 2013 UK mailing list" <>, "Wiki Loves
> Monuments Photograph Competition" <>
>  Date: Saturday, August 31, 2013, 7:39 PM
>  Wales:
>  NI:
>  England:(this one was trickier but I
>  think it's right)
>  Scotland:
>  Could someone double-check that these all seem to
>  go to the right upload locations, etc?
>  Thanks.
>  A.
>  On 31 August 2013 19:07, Michael Maggs <>
>  wrote:
>  Yes please. Go ahead and
>  do all of them!
>  Michael
>  On 31 Aug 2013, at 17:52, Andrew Gray
>  wrote:
>  All fixed now! Let me
>  know if you'd like the other lists switched to this form
>  and I'll do it in the evening.
>  A.
>  On 31 August 2013 17:32, Andrew Gray <>
>  wrote:
>  I really liked Maarten's suggestion of
>  plain text (I don't think the icon is entirely clear) so
>  it's now "Upload another image". If people
>  prefer the blue (+), we can revert ;-)
>  I cannot for the life of me figure out where the
>  extra whitespace is coming from - there's a
>  <p><br></p> in the last table box, but
>  nothing in the code to generate it.
>  Baffling.
>  A.
>  On 31 August 2013 17:13,
>  Michael Maggs <>
>  wrote:
>  Thanks Andrew.  It looks good
>  to me - my only query is whether it's possible to remove
>  some of the white space under the logo, given that a number
>  of editors on the English Wikipedia seem to get very steamed
>  up about that.  If that's not possible/easy I'd
>  leave it as you have it.
>  I had an email from Katie earlier today saying
>  that she, too, would be looking at adding the icon this
>  evening. It doesn't matter who does it. Maybe the first
>  of you to get to it ... ?
>  Michael
>  On 31 Aug 2013, at 17:02, Andrew Gray
>  wrote:
>  This seems quite
>  useful, so I've now enabled a version of this for
>  Scotland, using the (+) icon where there is already an image
>  present. (If we have no image, there's the usual upload
>  button)
>  Thoughts? If we like it I can roll it out to NI,
>  England and Wales pretty easily. A text link for
>  "upload more images" would also work.
>  A.
>  On 27 August 2013 19:47,
>  Romaine Wiki <>
>  wrote:
>  To
>  enable users to upload photos of monuments we recommend that
>  lists of monuments contain a direct upload link so that
>  users can easy use the upload wizard already pre-filled.
>  There are several options possible, but we recommend to use
>  the system which uses an icon independent if an image
>  already is in the list or not. See the + icon in the list
>  below. In that way we also enable participants to upload
>  images from monuments with already a photo, which can be a
>  better photo, a photo from another angle, better
>  perspective, etc.
>  Example:
>  (The upload campaign stays available for 365 days a year
>  (while images can only participate during September). It is
>  up to local communities if they would like to have the
>  upload link in the lists during the whole year or only
>  during September.)
>  Romaine
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