Hi Jon,

thanks for that! Sounds like a good development after all. Probably you
could provide some examples of monument databased that have already been
included in wikidata? (I believe Maarten did the Rijksmonumenten, and a few
more). Also, for several countries, the wikipedia lists were the first
accessible for a wide audience. If worked out well, the result could be the
largest monument database in the world as far as I know.


On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 1:47 PM, John Andersson <john.anders...@wikimedia.se
> wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> We are still talking with the fund Postkodlotteriets Kulturstiftelse about
> project financing. They have indicated that work with the WLM database
> might be a way forward!
> Hence, we are now about to prepare an application that (if it goes
> through) would enable us to put in a considerable amount of staff time to
> help local teams with getting and processing the data needed for the
> contest, as well as moving the current data to Wikidata for a long term
> solution. Also, I would think that some statistical analysis of the data or
> other form of reporting also could be done as part of the project.
> Is there any local teams that would benefit from this technical assistance
> for 2016? Ideally we should present a few concrete examples.
> The fund is especially interested if we could help in countries that have
> more limited resources and/or where culture is at risk. This could be done
> even if your team wouldn't have capacity to organize WLM next year.
> Please let us know your thoughts as soon as possible!
> Best,
> John
> - - - -
> *John Andersson*
> Wikimedia Sverige
> Project Manager
> Phone: +46(0)73-3965189
> Email: john.anders...@wikimedia.se <johnandersso...@hotmail.com>
> Skype: johnandersson86
> Be sure to follow us on Twitter at @WikiEuropeana
> <http://twitter.com/#%21/wikieuropeana> and @WikimediaSE
> <https://twitter.com/WikimediaSE>
> Would you like to support free knowledge and Wikipedia? Please consider 
> becoming
> a member <https://donera.wikimedia.se/node/6> of Wikimedia Sverige! We
> need your support.
> ------------------------------
> From: john.anders...@wikimedia.se
> To: wikilovesmonuments@lists.wikimedia.org
> Date: Mon, 11 May 2015 12:04:53 +0200
> Subject: Re: [Wiki Loves Monuments] Call for Volunteers - WLM
> International Team
> Hi all,
> Just a quick update: Sadly we didn't get the funding for staff support for
> the international part of WLM.
> However, the fund do want to support our work with preserving cultural
> heritage somehow (but photo contests are outside their scope) and we will
> have future meetings with them to see what we can do together. This means
> that in 2015 Sweden will have a national contest, but we will not be able
> to help out internationally with staff support.
> One thing that I will be talking with them about is the gathering of
> official monument data, and that would benefit WLM 2016. The question is
> what we could help with from Sweden on top of the technical work on the
> database? Can we support the smaller national teams somehow? Please share
> your good ideas on the list so that I can give examples at the meeting and
> draft a project plan for them :-).
> Best,
> John
> - - - -
> *John Andersson*
> Wikimedia Sverige
> Project Manager
> Phone: +46(0)73-3965189
> Email: john.anders...@wikimedia.se <johnandersso...@hotmail.com>
> Skype: johnandersson86
> Be sure to follow us on Twitter at @WikiEuropeana
> <http://twitter.com/#%21/wikieuropeana> and @WikimediaSE
> <https://twitter.com/WikimediaSE>
> Would you like to support free knowledge and Wikipedia? Please consider 
> becoming
> a member <https://donera.wikimedia.se/node/6> of Wikimedia Sverige! We
> need your support.
> ------------------------------
> From: john.anders...@wikimedia.se
> To: wikilovesmonuments@lists.wikimedia.org
> Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 11:57:39 +0100
> Subject: Re: [Wiki Loves Monuments] Call for Volunteers - WLM
> International Team
> Great! Thank you Lodewijk. The application will have to be in Swedish and
> we will also include the Swedish national WLM contest. My idea is that we
> can specify the needs and the outcomes of the international part of the
> project together so that the international team gets everything needed.
> Each year the foundation I am thinking about give out around 11.5 million
> euros to cultural projects, and each project can get up to 500 000 euros -
> so we could, and should, include a lot of relevant things.
> I have a bunch of other applications to finalize that have deadlines
> shortly, but my plan is to start working on this application in the middle
> of next week.
> Best,
> John
> - - - -
> *John Andersson*
> Wikimedia Sverige
> Project Manager
> ------------------------------
> From: lodew...@effeietsanders.org
> Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2015 16:37:36 +0100
> To: wikilovesmonuments@lists.wikimedia.org
> Subject: Re: [Wiki Loves Monuments] Call for Volunteers - WLM
> International Team
> Hi John,
> sounds great, and I'd be happy to brainstorm with you. I guess most of the
> writing is something a Swedish native speaker will have to do though, but
> this kind of stuff I'd be happy to assist where possible.
> Best,
> Lodewijk
> On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 3:39 PM, John Andersson <
> john.anders...@wikimedia.se> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would be happy to look into the possibility of finding external funding
> for the International contest (perhaps based on the PEG application from
> 2013
> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:PEG/Wiki_Loves_Monuments_international_team/2013_coordination>?).
> There are a few Swedish funds that I know of that might be interested in
> supporting the international part of WLM - after all it is pretty awesome.
> If you think that I should pursue this I would of course be grateful for
> any and all help with drafting the content. Even though these are Swedish
> foundations some of the staff costs might still be possible to be moved to
> WMNL or other chapters that have been involved in the international part
> previously (I think that would be very beneficial because of their
> expertise) - but I would have to look into if the funds have any rules
> preventing that. I am sure that it could be solved somehow.
> The funds I have in mind have a pretty fast process - and we could
> probably have a preliminary answer from them within a couple of months or
> so. Please let me know if you would like me to get cracking at it.
> Best,
> John
> - - - -
> *John Andersson*
> Wikimedia Sverige
> Project Manager
> Phone: +46(0)73-3965189
> Email: john.anders...@wikimedia.se <johnandersso...@hotmail.com>
> Skype: johnandersson86
> Be sure to follow us on Twitter at @WikiEuropeana
> <http://twitter.com/#%21/wikieuropeana> and @WikimediaSE
> <https://twitter.com/WikimediaSE>
> Would you like to support free knowledge and Wikipedia? Please consider 
> becoming
> a member <https://donera.wikimedia.se/node/6> of Wikimedia Sverige! We
> need your support.
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 3 Jan 2015 10:09:03 +0100
> From: romaine.w...@gmail.com
> To: wikilovesmonuments@lists.wikimedia.org
> Subject: Re: [Wiki Loves Monuments] Call for Volunteers - WLM
> International Team
> Hi Alex,
> > Please also note that last year PEG funded 7 WLM grants (+1 to the
> international team). The earliest request was made in June and the last in
> mid-September. Next year, we will recommend that national requests come in
> by early July, and will be communicating this as well as other tips on
> national WLM grant requests, over the next couple of months.
> Sorry, but that is not workable. We definitely should not recommend to
> submit requests in early July, that is for a big organisation with much
> activities and active partners way too late.
> Also the 2014 situation was worse: it should be possible to have a last
> moment grant request (for unforeseen circumstances), but that is far from
> handy to recommend such for all national teams!
> And I am sorry to say, but closing the grant requests for good requests is
> insane. The situation will be that instead of coming with a good and well
> defined plan, people have to rush and will come with less well set up
> project plans or are too late to be in time!
> > We do believe that this is a positive campaign
> It is a negative campaign. Not thought through well, and with problems. It
> is at such fine to have more attention to a strategic priority, but this
> works counter productive for other good projects.
> Also this is a negative campaign, as good projects are not taken seriously
> this way.
> I thought the grantmaking was intented to support the community
> (mission-allied people and organisations), apparently that basic idea has
> disappeared...
> > All folks with grants currently in draft stage have been contacted
> But all folks with grants in draft stage elsewhere, planning to submit in
> February or March, aren't aware!
> Yes, we have multiple project plans to submit in February...
> This is really disappointing.
> Romaine
> 2014-12-30 20:33 GMT+01:00 Alex Wang <aw...@wikimedia.org>:
> Hi Lodewijk,
> If the international team (whomever they may be) cannot submit the request
> before February 1st and need funds before April 30th, I am happy to talk
> about a solution. I am also happy to review a draft grant request at any
> time in order to make the process of review and discussion by the Grant
> Advisory Committee more efficient.
> We do believe that this is a positive campaign, addressing a strategic
> priority, that demands more time and focus from the grants team. We
> honestly cannot provide this focus in the stream of our normal grantmaking
> workflow. All folks with grants currently in draft stage have been
> contacted, as well as grantees whose current annual grants are coming to an
> end.
> Please also note that last year PEG funded 7 WLM grants (+1 to the
> international team). The earliest request was made in June and the last in
> mid-September. Next year, we will recommend that national requests come in
> by early July, and will be communicating this as well as other tips on
> national WLM grant requests, over the next couple of months.
> Cheers,
> Alex
> On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 9:51 AM, Lodewijk <lodew...@effeietsanders.org>
> wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> it is indeed the case that the 2013 team started in May only. One of the
> lessons was however, that this was way too late and that it should ideally
> be started in December.
> I'm sorry to hear that the grant system is being used in this way, and
> that this will only be announced two weeks before the period starts. I
> would be much more in favor of a /positive/ campaign to support requests of
> a certain type rather than to a negative campaign like this, which
> discourages everything besides that type.
> In either way, perhaps we learn this in time to make an effort to submit
> the grant request before February 1, so that we stay ahead of this and the
> damage is limited to all the national requests that have to be made.
> Best,
> Lodewijk
> On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 6:44 PM, Alex Wang <aw...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Yes, we are in the planning stages of an Inspire Grants campaign that we
> will be announcing more broadly the week of January 12th. Please stay tuned
> for the details.
> In short, Inspire is a global campaign to proactively source and support
> new projects aimed at addressing a specific strategic topic. Our first
> campaign will focus on addressing the gender gap:
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:IdeaLab/Inspire_Grants_%E2%80%93_Gender_gap_campaign.
> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:IdeaLab/Inspire_Grants_%E2%80%93_Gender_gap_campaign>
> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:IdeaLab/Inspire_Grants_%E2%80%93_Gender_gap_campaign>
> In order to focus, we will take a short break from the regular funding
> routines in both Project and Event Grants (PEG) and Individual Engagement
> Grants (IEG). We are dedicating round 1 of IEG funding and 3 months of PEG
> funding to the campaign. From February 1-April 30, PEG will only accept
> proposals as part of the gender gap campaign, with the exception for urgent
> requests. And IEG's first round of the year will be devoted to this
> experiment.
> I don't anticipate this having a large impact on 2015 WLM grant planning.
> The 2013 international team started on their proposal at the end of May,
> leaving plenty of time for discussion and approval. However, if you feel
> this will be a challenge, please let me know and I am happy to discuss.
> Cheers,
> Alex
> --
> Alex Wang
> Program Officer
> Project & Event Grants
> Wikimedia Foundation <http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Home>
> +1 415-839-6885
> Skype: alexvwang
> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:IdeaLab/Inspire_Grants_%E2%80%93_Gender_gap_campaign>
> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:IdeaLab/Inspire_Grants_%E2%80%93_Gender_gap_campaign>
> On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 8:43 AM, Ilario Valdelli <valde...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Yes, exactly.
> It's a plan, it's not a definitive plan.
> It has been communicated to the committees as general plan to focus some
> period of the year to some specific areas in order to produce more impact.
> Regards
> On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 5:06 PM, Lodewijk <lodew...@effeietsanders.org>
> wrote:
> Hi Ilario,
> I'm not sure that I understand what you're saying. Are you suggesting that
> for three months long, nobody can get a grant from the Wikimedia Foundation
> if it is not directly related to the gender gap? This would be very
> surprising to me, and inconsistent with communications that I am aware
> of... It would be quite disruptive of the process as well.
> Nonetheless I do think that any project like Wiki Loves Monuments that
> involves a general audience, is in part a solution to the bias-problems
> such as the gender gap. But it would be counterintuitive to position it as
> such.
> Lodewijk
> On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 3:41 PM, Ilario Valdelli <valde...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> For your record, there is the plan to reserve the grants of the first
> quarter of 2015 for project for gender gap. It's an idea not official yet.
> So I agree that the best is to draft the budget because the submission
> probably may be conditioned by this decision and delayed to the middle of
> 2015.
> Best regards and happy new year (at least for those using the Gregorian
> calendar).
> On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 9:46 PM, Lodewijk <lodew...@effeietsanders.org>
> wrote:
> Hi Yan,
> Actually, the grant for next year should already be drafted by now :) I
> don't want to hurry people too much, but I'm afraid it would be unwise to
> wait with finding the team for next year...
> Best,
> Lodewijk
> On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 9:39 PM, Ynhockey <ynhoc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can we wait for this year's competition to end before agreeing on next
> year's team? There are actually still quite a few things to do, including
> regarding the grant.
> —Yan (Ynhockey).
> On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 10:02 PM, Saqib Qayyum <saqib.qay...@hotmail.com>
> wrote:
> I can help too .. :P
> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 00:17:10 +0530
> From: karthik...@wikimedia.in
> To: wikilovesmonuments@lists.wikimedia.org
> Subject: [Wiki Loves Monuments] Call for Volunteers - WLM International
> Team
> Dear all,
> We shall need a good international team to have another successful version
> of Wiki Loves Monuments after 2014. The team should comprise of experience
> volunteers who have conducted WLM or any such event in their country.
> There are numerous tasks and first task will be to hunt and find our
> countries who shall be willing to organise Wiki Loves Monuments again. To
> brief, the International Team is more of coordinating with all
> participating countries and without proper coordination, there will be no
> international competition for WLM 2015.
> Been in the international team is also more of applying for grant,
> documenting, following up and keeping track of status of all participating
> countries. Time to be spent may vary according to the skill of team
> members; more the skills and people, lesser the burden; however you can
> assume 10 hours a week during the contest (just horrifying).
> Would you be interested to be part of international team for WLM 2015,
> please send me a brief introduction of yourself and also a note on how you
> would benefit the international team. Please send the same by 6th of Jan.
> Regards from Mumbai,
> Karthik Nadar.
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> --
> Ilario Valdelli
> Wikimedia CH
> Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
> Association pour l’avancement des connaissances libre
> Associazione per il sostegno alla conoscenza libera
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> Wikipedia: Ilario <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Ilario>
> Skype: valdelli
> Facebook: Ilario Valdelli <https://www.facebook.com/ivaldelli>
> Twitter: Ilario Valdelli <https://twitter.com/ilariovaldelli>
> Linkedin: Ilario Valdelli
> <http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=6724469>
> Tel: +41764821371
> http://www.wikimedia.ch
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> Wiki Loves Monuments mailing list
> WikiLovesMonuments@lists.wikimedia.org
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> WikiLovesMonuments@lists.wikimedia.org
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> --
> Ilario Valdelli
> Wikimedia CH
> Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
> Association pour l’avancement des connaissances libre
> Associazione per il sostegno alla conoscenza libera
> Switzerland - 8008 Zürich
> Wikipedia: Ilario <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Ilario>
> Skype: valdelli
> Facebook: Ilario Valdelli <https://www.facebook.com/ivaldelli>
> Twitter: Ilario Valdelli <https://twitter.com/ilariovaldelli>
> Linkedin: Ilario Valdelli
> <http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=6724469>
> Tel: +41764821371
> http://www.wikimedia.ch
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> WikiLovesMonuments@lists.wikimedia.org
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> --
> Alex Wang
> Program Officer
> Project & Event Grants
> Wikimedia Foundation <http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Home>
> +1 415-839-6885
> Skype: alexvwang
> _______________________________________________
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> WikiLovesMonuments@lists.wikimedia.org
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> --
> Alex Wang
> Program Officer
> Project & Event Grants
> Wikimedia Foundation <http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Home>
> +1 415-839-6885
> Skype: alexvwang
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