On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 7:47 PM, LilyOf TheWest wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Some users from inside Iran have experienced problems uploading pictures
> using UploadWizard. We'd like to understand if this can be a problem on the
> server end and/or if this is something you've had experience with in the
> past?

The first steps when debugging such a problem are using ping and
traceroute, to see if you can reach the server and if not, where it

> Here is what we have learned so far:
> 1) At some hours of the day the uploading works just fine, at some hours it
> doesn't (and we can't figure out regularities in the hour patterns). The
> tests are done using the same ISP, OS, and browser for consistency.

By the contrary, try to use a different ISP to learn if the problem is
on the server or on your end.

If it works trough VPN, then most likely is your ISP at fault.

nicu :: http://photoblog.nicubunu.ro/

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