
There is a matching table on Commons created by Romaine, here's the one
from last year:

You can use https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Campaign:wlm-at since this
campaign is already active, for example with the Ferris Wheel in Vienna:
https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q697578 .

I'm not sure we already link the campaigns on Commons to the heritage IDs
on Wikidata, but that would probably be useful in determining which
campaign to use and which fields to fill how - reading Romaine's wikitable
isn't going to be easier ;-)


On Tue, 6 Jul 2021 at 08:43, Nicolas VIGNERON <vigneron.nico...@gmail.com>

> Le mar. 6 juil. 2021 à 08:53, Josephine Lim <josephineli...@gmail.com> a
> écrit :
>> Hi all,
>> Hope you are well! I just wanted to update you on the Commons app
>> progress for WLM integration - we are (hopefully) close to being able to do
>> a beta release. Currently the only two major items that we have yet to
>> complete are attaching the appropriate templates to the files uploaded, and
>> integration of country-specific property queries via the tool that we are
>> collaborating with Stephen on.
>> To that end, we have a few questions:
>> 1. Which templates should be attached for a WLM upload? The initial plan
>> was to attach
>> https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Template:Wiki_Loves_Monuments_2020
>> (or more specifically, the 2021 version). However, there is no field in
>> that template which allows us to place the value of the monument ID in. Is
>> there a way to work around this?
> Indeed, the template WLM is just here to indicate that a photo is taking
> part in WLM and in which country (and add corresponding categories).
> For the identifier, each country/area use a different template (and
> sometimes several templates, in France we have two: Mérimée and Palissy)
> 2. How do we find the monument ID? Given that we are using Wikidata rather
>> than the monument DB, is the Wikidata QID synonymous with the monument ID?
> Usually the ID is given by the uploader. We have a specific field for that
> in the campaigns, by the way you can look at the code of the campaigns like
> https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Campaign:wlm-fr to know which template
> is use by each country (I thought there was a matching table somewhere but
> I can't find it back, maybe someone know what I thinking about).
> Except for a very small number of countries (India and the template "WLM
> India Wikidata ID" is the only one I know), the Wikidata QID is not the
> same as the monument ID. But if you have the Wikidata QID you could
> probably easily find the monument ID via the API.
>> 3. Is it possible to have a sandbox "monument" that we can use to test
>> our implementation end-to-end, before WLM starts?
> Probably but not sure, I'll let others answer that one.
> Cdlt, ~nicolas
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