Dear Community Members,

Wikimania is only two weeks away (Aug. 13-17) and we are very excited to
welcome each of you. The program is shaping up well and we look forward to
sharing that with you very soon. Registration remains open
<>. We surpassed 1800
registrants today! Registering is the best way to enjoy the virtual
experience, to take part in social activities, and to start receiving
information from the organizers.

I would also like to invite movement groups and affiliates to sign up for a
table in the virtual Community Village
<> space. You
can learn more about the available resources and times, as well as sign-ups
on the page. Each table will be equipped with a digital Miro
<> whiteboard where you can share text, images and videos
about your work and community. You do not need people to be at the tables.
There are 140 tables available, so please consider sharing with a neighbor
or region.

The Unconference <>
space is also open and you can sign up to host a session there. If we were
not able to include your submission as part of the main programming, you
are more than welcome to host it here. Unconference is a great opportunity
to connect with fellow Wikimedians in a more intimate and casual setting.
You can learn more on the page.

Thank you very much and see you all at Wikimania.

 Best Wishes,
Winnie Kabintie (User:Ms_Kabintie
<>), on behalf of the
Wikimania 2021 Core Organizing Team.
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