On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 4:46 PM, Anthony <wikim...@inbox.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 6:03 PM, Todd Allen <toddmal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> {{sofixit}}, just like any area with NPOV/undue weight issues.
> "The next day someone will fix it back." - Douglas Hofstadter

Such is the nature of this project. If no one ever did anything
because of that possibility, no one would ever do anything at all.

>> Good for him. Care to summarize his argument? I don't particularly
>> care to watch his video, or for him in general after the
>> OHNOESVIRGINKILLERIMAGE!!! hysteria a while back.
> Yeah, it's pretty bad.
>> You are, of course, starting from the presumption that the way you
>> want to do it -is- the "responsible" way, or what have you.
> As opposed to what, assuming that the way we want to do it is the
> irresponsible way?
> If I thought the way I wanted to do something was irresponsible, I
> wouldn't want to do it that way any more!

I perhaps wasn't clear. My problem was in the phrasing of "We should
do this the responsible way," followed by a description of the way
Andreas wanted to do it. The trouble is, that's essentially starting
from the premise that there's agreement on both sides on what the
responsible way -is-, and one side is arguing to be irresponsible.
That is, of course, not the case. Rather, many of us believe that it
would be irresponsible to implement censorship on an uncensored,
comprehensive educational project.

>> I have no
>> problem with developing best practices, and certainly I don't think
>> anyone will argue that we should host or retain porn or near-porn
>> involving kids
> Certainly some people will argue this.  I believe that, fortunately,
> most of them are banned, though.

Uh...wow. One would hope so. I don't believe that's very common,
though. Certainly no one I've heard arguing against censorship is in
favor of that.

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