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2012/7/24 Anirudh Bhati <>

> Hi Asaf,
> Thank you for posting this and a grand welcome to all the new arrivals in
> the GAC. ;)
> I see that some of the folks have chosen to remain anonymous (many of whom
> I identify as prolific contributors to our projects) but I would like to
> know whether the Wikimedia Foundation has independently verified their
> identity prior to induction into the body?
> I understand that the body plays only an advisory role into the process
> with the final decision resting on the staff, however, the GAC voice
> carries a fair amount of weight as well (as far as I'm aware).  Therefore,
> I believe, it would serve the interest of all the stakeholders, specially
> the community, to know and be assured that the WMF has already taken steps
> to identify those who would be responsible for advising the WMF on the
> dissemination of funds to grant applications from individuals and chapters
> (non-FDC).
> My personal opinion is that though anonymity is great motivator for our
> volunteer contributors on projects, but at the same time it can lead to
> reduced accountability and moral responsibility for work that has direct
> implications in the real world.  I apologize in advance if I have made any
> mistake in fact, and would be happy to hear any differing views on the
> subject.
> Sincerely,
> Anirudh Bhati
> On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 6:50 AM, Asaf Bartov <>
> wrote:
> > Hello, everyone.
> >
> > I'm pleased to announce that we have significantly expanded the Grant
> > Advisory Committee (GAC)[1] as of today, and it now numbers 30
> volunteers,
> > following an open process and public calls for volunteers.  The updated
> > list of members is here[2].  With this expansion, we hope to achieve a
> > higher degree of community participation in the Foundation's evaluation
> of
> > grant proposals for its Wikimedia Grants program[3], as well as more
> > diverse feedback and advice for grant applicants on how to refine their
> > proposals for best impact.
> >
> > The GAC was set up almost exactly one year ago, and has been quietly
> doing
> > what is frankly a thankless job.  I applaud and thank the volunteers who
> > have done this work so far, and look forward to easing their load a
> little
> > now that the GAC is larger, considering an expected rise in the number of
> > grant proposals they would be called upon to review.
> >
> > Welcome to the new volunteers, and may we all have much success in
> > fostering innovation and impactful mission-aligned activities through the
> > grants program.
> >
> >    Asaf
> >
> > [1]
> > [2]
> > [3]
> > --
> >     Asaf Bartov
> >     Wikimedia Foundation <>
> >
> > Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the
> > sum of all knowledge. Help us make it a reality!
> >
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