2012/7/24  <birgitte...@yahoo.com>:
> On Jul 24, 2012, at 11:14 AM, Cristian Consonni <kikkocrist...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> 2012/7/24  <birgitte...@yahoo.com>:
>>> [...] So I definitely believe what it.WM wants to do, to connect people 
>>> with local events, has real value. And that it has value for the individual 
>>> people just as much as for it.WM.
>> strong +1.
>>> The main question is whether the benefit from being able to connect people 
>>> with local events is worth the risk of collecting more personalized of 
>>> their data than we are accustomed to handling.
>> I could be wrong but I don't think we would "handle more data" than
>> what we are doing now. We are not going to use that data and as far as
>> I know that data "dies" in the moment the system has output the
>> message.
> Maybe this is the area that needs more study. And I am probably the wrong 
> person to try and even formulate technical questions, but is there a way to 
> make use of this data without storing it? Without even knowing who recieved 
> what personalized messages, unless, of course,they choose to respond?

I will forward these questions to wikitech-l.

> There is still the "creep" factor, in that readers of the messages will not 
> necessarily know that it was all handled blindly. However it should 
> technically preserve the reader's privacy, if no person nor computer can 
> recall what messages any person was presented with. And if an FAQ is 
> well-linked, anyone who under the misperception that it was handled 
> invasively can learn how serious we are about the subject.

A FAQ page would be useful, then I think we could decide that, for example:
* the geonotice can be centered only on big cities (e.g. "Chef-lieus")
* Messages should not make use of the geolocalization information
itself, but only static test (i.e. NO "Hey you living in X, there a
meetup in Milan" -  YES for "There's meetup in Milan")

> If such a thing is even possible I suppoose it becomes a sort of 
> philosophical question. If no one nor computer can know whether or not you 
> recieved a personally targeted message is the targeting invasive of your 
> privacy?

yes, that's pretty much my point, I think nobody is interested to know
if somebody has seen a geotarget message or not, my point is about
making people from Milan (north of Italy) know that there is a local
meetup without bothering people from Rome (center) or Palermo (south
of Italy). (please note that with the current system we were not even
able to accurately distinguish betwen macro-regions as
north/center/south Italy)


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