In Anasuyas mail sent out, otherwise OK, she mentions "comments on the FDC or the 
proposal process itself"  should go to FDC staff wikipage. Should it not go to the 
FDC commmeets wikipage?

I have thought we FDC members after we have prepared the recommendation should 
make a review/evaluation (together with FDC Staff) on how the FDC process have 
worked, and then need to have the feedback given easily accessible?

PS I have now read carefully three proposals, hope to have all reviewed before 
our Friday meeting, and I am already full of questions that I would like to 
discuss further and before our SF meeting, like How to view request related to 
want to learn to become a proper organization (ie not to generate output), how 
too look at request that really only have a backup of 8 active members 
(Hungary) - can we see them representing a community? How to handle chapters 
that have big surpluses from 2011, should that sum not be withdrawn from their 
request for money 2012?  DS

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