As others have already said, it will be difficult to see Sue leave the organization (but not the movement). I thank her for the years of effort that have gone into first stabilizing and then building the Wikimedia Foundation. While I don't predict that this transition will be completely painless (that's okay, it's a good thing), I'm sure that it will be much less painful than it might have been (that's also a good thing).

During my time as chair of the Board of Trustees, I had some extended conversations with Sue about succession planning, partly because this is something the board always has to be thinking about, and partly because at that point we would have faced tremendous challenges if Sue were to leave and we were forced to find a successor. The issue has remained in the back of my mind ever since. As I have watched the organization develop, it has been good to observe how she has built the capacities of those around her, bringing us to a point where I feel much more comfortable that all of the good work can continue on without her personal involvement. There's a long list of things Sue has accomplished as Executive Director, but making an organization capable of surviving her departure is a critical one.

One of the things I believe we all try to do with the work on our projects is to leave things - a Wikipedia article, MediaWiki code, the culture of our movement, everything - in better shape than we found it. Sue has done that on an organizational scale, and impressively so. For that, Sue, and all of the other things on which we have worked together, thank you.

--Michael Snow

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