Thank you Geoff, it is excellent to see this public statement of
intent and discussion.

And thank you Tomasz for getting the word out to our translators!


On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 9:19 PM, Tomasz W. Kozlowski
<> wrote:
> Geoff,
> I'm a bit lost here now that I've read that translation notice more
> carefully — are you really saying you want to have this post translated into
> German, French, Spanish and Japanese by Tuesday, June 18, and then for the
> local communities to comment on it by Friday, June 21?
> There is just no way that this can scale in this world.
> FYI, I posted a message asking for translations at
> <>,
> and I'm sure that our amazing volunteer translators can get it translated
> into those four languages (and more) by noon on Sunday (PST).
> (And again—doing this kind of things on a Friday is a Very Bad Idea[TM].)
>         -- Tomasz
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