Dear all,

We wanted to thank all of you who participated in this election,
voters as well as candidates who helped stir the debate around the
Funds Dissemination Committee. We are aware of the responsibility that
you have chosen us to take up and are looking forward to working with
the other FDC members and FDC dedicated staff, as well as all the
volunteers and staff in Wikimedia organisations that are taking part
in the FDC process.

As first community elected members, we are bringing your voice to the
FDC process and hope that you will participate as much as possible in
the forthcoming debates, evaluations and assessments and support us in
making the right decisions concerning funds dissemination to all
entities supporting Wikimedia's mission and sharing our vision. The
FDC process will only work better and develop smoothly if we all
participate in it. The FDC portal on meta [1] is a good way to start
learning more about the FDC and the Community participation page [2]
is a good bookmark to have on your watchlist to know where your
participation and feedback are needed.

In any case, should you have any questions about the FDC or the FDC
process, please do ask them and we will do our best to answer them
timely and accurately, along with our fellows FDC members and staff.

We want to extend our congratulations to Susanna for being reappointed
as FDC Ombudsperson and to the newly (re-)elected Trustees of the
Wikimedia Foundation, María, Phoebe and Sj. And our thanks to all
members of the election committee for the tremendous work in this


Delphine & Cristian


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