FDC have on ongoing dialog and discussion with WMF and the Board on how to handle WMF, as we in FDC want WMF to be handled a all other entities as far as is reasonable, recognizing some unique differences between WMF and other entities.

In this discussion that is still ongoing, we have agreed
*WMF shall be handled in Round 2, so they are treated before their budget year begins as for all other entities
*FDC have stated it want to have a proposal from WMF covering both the total and also some pinpointed programs in their budget with with money numbers for its budget for these pinpointed programs. How to pick these and if it also should be the total is still open. As it is only early next year this has to be resolved we will now wait until we have handled Round 1 before we continue this issue

We miss out this year but think it is more vital to "get it right" for 2014-2015

secretary of FDC

Lodewijk skrev 2013-07-16 21:33:
resending, was bounced.

2013/7/16 Lodewijk <lodew...@effeietsanders.org>

Maybe this has been asked elsewhere already, apologies in that case, but
could someone clarify why the Wikimedia Foundation is not eligible any more
(and did not seem to send a letter of intent) for the FDC process? Does
this mean WMF will only do core programs and shut down all other? Or is
there another explanation I did not think of yet (this is of course,
assuming the WMF is still intending to eat it's own dog food)?



2013/7/16 Garfield Byrd <gb...@wikimedia.org>

Dear members of the Wikimedia community:

Today, July 15, the Wikimedia Foundation published a list of Funds
Dissemination Committee (FDC) eligible entities [1] based the eligibility
criteria [2] established in the FDC framework.  Entities that submitted
Letters of Intent [3] are categorized in 'Yes', 'Yes, If',  and 'No'
categories based the eligibility criteria.  Please let us know if you
believe there are any corrections to be made to this list.

A more detailed eligibility checklist document has also been created.


This document outlines eligibility gaps that need to be closed by September
15, 2013. Any entity in the "Yes, If" category must post all missing
documents on Meta by September 15 to be eligible for FDC funding.
Entities in the “No” column who are currently ineligible for FDC funding or
those who decide not to proceed with an FDC application are welcome to
consider applying to the WMF Grants program. [5]

On September 15, WMF will post the final list of the entities eligible
to apply for FDC funding if they are eligible. Please note that entities
will need to remain in compliance with all Chapter Agreements and Grant
Agreements until funds are sent in order to receive a grant through the FDC
process, even if eligibility is confirmed as "Yes" on 15 September.

The detailed eligibility checklist has improved since the last round.
You’ll now note that the final column now outlines upcoming requirements
(e.g. per chapter or grant agreements or current grant requirements) to
maintain FDC eligibility status. These are noted as “potential gaps,” and
as those deadlines come up, entities will need to fill those gaps (for
example, by posting their documents and linking to them from the Reports
page on Meta) in order to maintain their eligibility status with the
FDC. We hope this change allows entities, the FDC, and the FDC staff to
track eligibility better and ensure that everyone is informed of potential
as well as current issues that may affect eligibility.

All entities that apply for FDC funding will be required to maintain
eligibility throughout the duration of the proposal review process until
funds are sent (or until the decision on whether to send funds is made). We
encourage you to get in touch with us if you have any questions about your
entity's gaps or potential gaps.


As a reminder, all applications for FDC funding from eligible entities
must be submitted by October 1, 2013 via the FDC portal. [6] The FDC
proposal form will be posted by August 15, 2013 on the FDC portal.
Please contact us if you have any questions about submitting your proposal.

WMF staff will reach out to all the of the entities that submitted
Letters of Intent individually to discuss their eligibility.

In addition, the FDC support staff has scheduled two IRC office hours to
provide more explanation about the eligibility status. [7] We look forward
to meeting with you on Thursday, July 18 at 0:00 UTC or at 16:00 UTCthat same 
day. Please feel free to submit any questions in advance.

Do let me know if you have any questions, clarifications or concerns
about the eligibility process, or if you need clarifications.  We are here
to support you.


Garfield Byrd


[2] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/FDC_portal/Eligibility_criteria

[3] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:FDC_2013-2014_Round_1


[5] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:Index

[6] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/FDC_portal
[7] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/IRC_office_hours#Upcoming_office_hours

Garfield Byrd
Chief of Finance and Administration
Wikimedia Foundation
415.839.6885 ext 6787
415.882.0495 (fax)

Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in
the sum of all knowledge. Help us make it a reality!


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