Thanks, Fred

Much appreciated.



On 5 September 2013 01:16, Fred Bauder <> wrote:

> It is addressed but by a rather complicated and demanding process. See
> Wikipedia:Dispute resolution. Not really workable for new users who bump
> up against well-established users who have bad habits, or have learned
> that nasty behavior pays off in being able to control content.
> Fred
> > I think you are completely right and it is a big problem in the
> > Wiki-world that is not being addressed by anyone in a leading position.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Lars Gardenius
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ________________________________
> >  Von: Rui Correia <>
> > An: Wikimedia Mailing List <>
> > Gesendet: 23:08 Mittwoch, 4.September 2013
> > Betreff: [Wikimedia-l] Please, let's save the Wikipedia - from itself
> >
> >
> > Greetings to All
> >
> > Let me start by saying that I don't do much here at the WP, not compared
> > to
> > people who make hundreds of edits a week. I would love to, have a long
> > list
> > of "to-do", but unfortunately time is not on my side.
> >
> > In my limited involvemet here, I have seen many a good editor leave the
> > project. Mostly, people leave because they can't take it anymore having
> > to
> > fight the 'blocks' of defenders that coalesce around certain topics.
> >
> > In itself, though not very healthy, such blocks forming around topis is
> > fine. What is not fine is that if any issue gets referred to a higher
> > process for a resolution, it is often the same people grouping of people
> > previously involved in disputes on the same topic who come to the
> > resolution forum to issue a decision. However, it is always the
> > 'outsider'
> > that loses. He gets acused of everything under the sun, and gets 'good
> > advice' from supposedly neutral editors, urging him to calm down, to
> > temper
> > his language etc. It is like trying to point out that the earth is round
> > at
> > a monthly meetng of the fat-earthers. That is not healthy and is making
> > the
> > WP processes look like a kangaroo court run by a cabal.
> >
> > And I expect pretty much the same reaction to this email.
> >
> > I pointed out in an ealier email to this list the difficulty that one
> > encounters when you include something negative about certain big
> > corporations. I was stoned and made to feel that I was wrong and everbody
> > else was right. The reaction was tantamount to a chorus of "yes, we know
> > there are problems, but don't say it out loud, someone might hear you!".
> >
> > Let's for argument's say that I was wrong. But - more importantantly -
> > was
> > anything done to investigate what I was saying? What if there are legions
> > out there paid to sanitise the pages of big corporations? And we know
> > that
> > they exist, and that WP has taken up the issue as in here,
> >
> >
> > I made a silly remark on a Talk page about the choice of the word
> > "downgrade" to refer to people using Windows 8 who wanted to go back to
> > XP.
> > For a failed product, by Microsoft's own admission, going back to XP is
> > an
> > upgrade, going back to sanity, not a downgrade.
> >
> > I was first accused of trolling, then something else, then of offending
> > the
> > entire community of users of Windows 8. The editor who is adamant - not
> > the
> > first time - to purge ant-MS from the talkpage violated the 3RR, but
> > nothing gets done about it. I reported the 3RR, and it was immediately
> > closed, labelled as being relatiatory. There is a backlog of issues on
> > that
> > page, but my entry was closed within minutes.
> >
> >
> > It was closed, claiming that it was already being addressed elsewhere.
> >
> > So, I too will consider my stay here. Like I said right at the top, I
> > don't
> > do much here, so I am certain I will not even be missed. I edit in eight
> > languages, small little bits here and there. I participated in a number
> > of
> > initiaves on the development of Chapters in Africa and am happy to see
> > that
> > things are moving. I had the honour and privilege to meet Jimmy Wales in
> > South Africa and to discuss a few things relating to WP in Africa.
> >
> > So, it is time to wind down anr retire into a corner. I am busy with a
> > novel, I am sure that is where I should invest my time and energy.
> >
> > Sincere regards to all, happy editing
> >
> > Rui Correia
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > _________________________
> > Rui Correia
> > Advocacy, Human Rights, Media and Language Work Consultant
> > Bridge to Angola - Angola Liaison Consultant
> >
> > Mobile Number in South Africa +27 74 425 4186
> > Número de Telemóvel na à frica do Sul +27 74 425 4186
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Rui Correia
Advocacy, Human Rights, Media and Language Work Consultant
Bridge to Angola - Angola Liaison Consultant

Mobile Number in South Africa +27 74 425 4186
Número de Telemóvel na África do Sul +27 74 425 4186
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