Adam Baso wrote:
>In summary, to show Wikipedia Zero banners for the correct mobile
>networks, we are planning once for each cellular-based app session to log
>two pieces of data in a specialized logfile, deleting log entries older
>than 90 days.
>1. MCC-MNC <> code (format
>is ###-##), which denotes the mobile operator
>2. Exit (gateway/proxy) IP address
>* These data points would not be logged alongside the normal web access
>This information could be used to estimate rough demand for Wikipedia in
>potential Wikipedia Zero geos, although remediating the out-of-sync IP
>addresses on file for existing partners is primary.
>Internal review suggests this is in alignment with privacy policy, and we
>wanted to see if there were other thoughts on this approach here on

Thanks for starting this thread.

Sorry if I've overlooked this, but who/what will have access to this data?
Only members of the mobile team? Local project CheckUsers? Wikimedia
Foundation-approved researchers? Wikimedia shell users? AbuseFilter

And this may be a silly question, but is there a reasonable means of
approximating how identifying these two data points alone are? That is,
Using a mobile country code and exit IP address, is it possible to
identify a particular editor or reader? Or perhaps rephrased, is this data
considered anonymized?


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