The report on Wikimedia Nederland activities in June is available:

It is also included as text in this message.

Sandra Rientjes
Directeur/Executive Director Wikimedia Nederland

*COMMUNITY: supporting and mobilising volunteers and editors*

·         Wiki-Saturdays.

The WMNL office was open for community members on June 7 and 21. The event
on the 7th was visited by 10 members. The first ideas for the year plan
2015 were collected by the 12 participants on the 21st. (see below)

*WORK: content, collaboration and activity development*

   -     Wiki Loves Earth events

In total, the Wiki Loves Earth competition resulted in 1349 images of Dutch
nature, wildlife and landscapes uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. The
Institute for Vision and Sounds donated 500 videos of Dutch birds (see
below under content donations for more info) and launched a competition to
integrate the films in the relevant Wikipedia-articles. We also met with
Naturalis, the museum of natural history, to discuss content donations and
an editathon, and are approaching volunteer organisations working on nature
and wildlife for future cooperation.

·         Education Programme

WMNL has commissioned a small consultancy firm to carry out a study into
the feasibility of starting an education programme in the Netherlands. The
consultants did desk research and interviewed relevant stakeholders. In
their report, they conclude that there is definitely potential for an
education programme focussing on higher education (universities and
colleges. They recommended carrying out three pilotprojects, exploring
improving content of articles, translating articles from other language
versions of Wikipedia and improving language and style of articles. More
information can be found on the project page.

·         World War Two

Volunteers working on the World War Two project made an inventory of topics
whose content could be expanded and improved. This will serve as a
framework for content donations by the National Institute for War Research
NIOD and the Institute for Vision and Sound. We also decided to approach
local history groups and museums. More information on the project page. And
we are also still looking for more volunteers to work on this activity!

·         Wikipedia workshops at libraries

Two workshop were organised: a monthly open workshop in Amersfoort (June
13) and a workshop for 9 employees of the public library in Amsterdam (OBA,
June 24). The workshop in Amersfoort attracted people that specifically
came to the library for the workshop and the director of the archive (the
archive is located in the same building).

·         Music Edit-a-thon

On Saturday June 14th an Edit-a-thon was organized at the Netherlands
Institute for Sound and Vision. About 30 people showed up to write about
Dutch music from the first half of the twentieth century. There were 15
first-time editors present. About twenty articles were written (see the
course page for all the contributions of the day). Photos of the day.

·         Content donations

*The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision: 500+ videos of birds*

The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision has just finished uploading
over 500 video's of bird filmed in The Netherlands by a professional film
producer. This is a donation made possible by the Foundation for Nature
Footage (Stichting Natuurbeelden) and the Netherlands Institute for Sound
and Vision. The entire collection can be found in the category
commons:Category:Stichting_Natuurbeelden_on_Open_Images Stichting
Natuurbeelden on Open Images.

 *Atlas of Mutual Heritage on Commons: 2.500 old maps, prints and drawings*

2500 images related to the overseas history of The Netherlands have been
uploaded to Wikimedia Commons by Hay Kranen. More information about this
upload can be found on the project page and in Hay's email to the GLAM

·         Re-source fashion conference

Sebastiaan ter Burg was a panellist at the Re-source fashion conference in


·         Newsletter

The newsletter was published on June 30. 69 people signed up for the WMNL
newsletter, mainly as a result of the Wiki Loves Earth events.

·         Linux-group meeting

Board members Ad Huikeshoven and Justus de Bruijn attended the annual
summer meeting of the Netherlands Linux Usersgroup. They presented WMNL and
explored possibilities for synergy and cooperation.


·         Free Culture Weekend

Sebastiaan ter Burg attended the Culture Weekend in London (notes).

·         Wikimania Scholarships

WMNL provided Wikimania scholarships to 11 members of the Dutch Wikimedia
community. In addition, several staff and boardmembers will also attend the
event in London.


·         Board

The WMNL Board met on June 12.

·         Annual plan 2015

We started drafting of the annual plan 2015 with a brainstorming meeting on
June 21, which was attended by 12 people. The process has now moved
on-wiki. Members of the Wikimedia community can provide input on the


These events are relevant to the Netherlands or Dutch language
Wikimedia-projects but were not organized/supported by WMNL:

·         Brazil writing weeks. The Dutch Wikipedia community organised two
writing weeks (May 31 - June 15) about Brazil. Some [1] 260 articles were
written or improved.

·         2,228 photos of objects from the Rijksmuseum Japanese art
collection were uploaded to Commons with the GLAMwiki Toolset through the
kind help of Fae.
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